The Martin Trust Partnership in Education for Early Learners

Trust Early Learners, located in Brookline, MA, is the proving ground and incubator for the Global Early Education program. A state-of-the art facility where over 80 children of diverse cultural, racial and economic backgrounds receive the highest quality early learning, from a team of dedicated and experienced educators.

But TEL is more than a school. It’s a mission. And a movement. Propelled by a vision to create a socially, racially, culturally, economically, religiously and gender-diverse learning community that reflects the world in which we live.

TEL welcomes families who understand the value of early education, placing an emphasis on children who otherwise would not have access, and serving a diverse group of students — without income eligibility requirements.

To learn more about the Global Early Education program in action, visit the TEL website. Or call (617) 546-8200.

See How We’re Impacting Early Learners At TEL.

Trust Early Learners Recently Featured in The Boston Business Journal.